How Will You Spend Your Next One Million Heartbeats?

No one ever realizes that every heartbeat brings you closer to your last. The article read in class today really brought the importance of life into perspective. Many of us waste away doing things that we aren’t passionate about or that don’t fulfill our true purpose. Instead, we let our uniqueness get eclipsed by unrealistic ideals of what we should aim to be. We have learned to never let our heart, beat independently. Instead, we merge it with the beats that surround us. Eventually, “each mad heart is silent, a brilliant music stilled”.

This quote made me think of all the times I’ve compromised my individuality for the sake of society. I realized that I’d be doing myself a disservice by not embracing my uniqueness. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that I will spend my next one million heartbeats dancing to the beat of my own drum, and I will no longer try to make my heartbeat in sync with that of those around me.

What’s the fun in hearing a song that has only one instrument? The best songs are considered the best because they are combinations of voice, piano, guitar, drums, etc. I now know that my heartbeat is also an instrument, and I will no longer inhibit it from adding to the song of life. I will use it as a tool to fuel and guide me on my journey to fulfillment. The next one million will be spent living happily, recklessly, and positively fearlessly; focusing on the next beat, and never on the last.

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